Monday 27 January 2014

How to soften new growth - How to stretch your relaxer to avoid breakage

How can I avoid breakage or damage to my relaxed hair? How can I stretch my relaxer? How can I limit chemicals on my relaxed hair? How can i soften my new growth?

Stretching your relaxer is one of the ways to help the health of your hair. Chemical processes, whether dying the hair, perming the hair, relaxing the hair or bleaching the hair all naturally result in pressure and unavoidable strain on the hair. This often leads to breakage or excessive shedding. Stretching is one of the major way of minimising this damage and maintaining the health of your hair resulting in positive hair growth and a reduction in hair loss and breakage. 

Stretching - broadening the space between your relaxers - can be extremely hard when you're trying to cope with and manage your new growth. It's often the strain and hard work of maintaining and blending the new growth that leads to pressure to get another relaxer as soon as you can.

The video above demonstrates how to soften the new growth in order to stretch your relaxer longer. If you can get this right, you should be one step closer to that beautiful long AND healthy hair you desire :)

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